We represent a program operating with a fiscal sponsor that has an IRS 501(c)(3) designation. Are we eligible to apply?
The Foundation only accepts applications from non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations that are running their own programs and does not accept fiscal sponsor requests for support.
Will the Foundation accept applications from colleges or universities?
The Foundation will accept applications from college or university foundations for funding to programs that are a component of the institution of higher education and that directly serve pre-college youth and meet all other grant criteria. The Foundation does not accept applications for general funding or capital projects at institutions of higher education.
Will the Foundation accept applications from K-12 schools or school districts?
The Foundation will not accept applications directly from K-12 schools, districts, or affiliated school or district foundations. Applications for educator training and curriculum development are also ineligible.
What is the Foundation interested in funding as it relates to education and workforce programs?
Cycle I of 2024 marks the first grantmaking cycle dedicated to the Learn & Prosper pillar, which strives to empower the leaders of today and tomorrow through education and workforce development. This year, the Foundation will give preference to programs or projects that address one or more of the following focus areas. For more information, please refer to our funding criteria and eligibility requirements below.
- Closing K-12 learning gaps exacerbated during the COVID pandemic, especially in math and reading.
- Supporting student mental and emotional health amid increased bullying, school violence and suspensions, as well as other factors.
- Creating successful pathways to college and careers for high schoolers and young adults.
What is the grant amount that the Foundation provides?
In Cycle I, the Foundation will award a total of $75,000 in grant amounts up to $25,000, depending upon the size of the organization, program budgets and scope of the activity being addressed.
If my proposal isn’t selected in Cycle I, am I eligible to apply for Cycle II?
In some cases, applicants that were not selected in Cycle I will be invited to apply again in Cycle II.
What is the term of your grants?
All grants are currently one year in duration.
Does the Foundation have examples of previous grants awarded?
Information on the Foundation’s first cohorts of grantees is available on our website here.
When is the submission deadline?
Cycle I: Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:59 PM EDT.
Cycle II: Fall 2024 TBD.
How will submissions be judged?
Submissions will be evaluated based upon their level of alignment with the Foundation’s guidelines and priorities. Please refer to our funding criteria and eligibility requirements below. We may also be in touch with follow-up questions after submission as part of the application review process.
Can I submit multiple proposals?
Only one proposal per organization is permitted.
When will grantees be selected and contacted?
Cycle I: June 2024
Cycle II: Fall 2024 TBD
Are there limitations on how the grant should be used?
The grantee will be required to spend the grant funds as specified in the grant award letter and corresponding application, which includes a proposed budget of expenditures. A progress report will be required of each grantee specifying how the proposed grant funds were spent and an explanation of any variances.
Who can I contact for any questions not listed here?
Interested applicants may contact us at KontoorFoundation@kontoorbrands.com.
Questions pertaining to the Application Portal
What happens if I hit the “submit” button but need to make a change or swap out an uploaded form?
Please contact our Foundation Administrator at Foundation Source (1-800-839-1754) who will send you a new link to make any edits you may need.
Do I need to complete the application all at once?
No, you may save the application as you go along and click on the link sent to you to again access the draft of the application.
Can I get a copy of my application?
Yes, you may get a PDF copy emailed to you by entering your email address and checking the box when you hit the “submit your application” button.
What if I can’t provide all the detail in the character limited fields?
Please be concise in your responses. The application does not provide an opportunity for added information either in the data fields or uploaded materials.
Funding Criteria and Eligibility Requirements
Eligible applicant organizations must align with all the following criteria:
- Address at least one of the Foundation’s funding focus areas. Note: Education and workforce development are the funding focus areas for 2024.
- Recognized by the IRS as a tax exempt, public charity under section 501(c)(3) (including foundations that serve as fundraising arms of institutions of higher education).
- Located in and serve communities of Greensboro and/or the County of Guilford, North Carolina.
- Have a history of serving the Greensboro, North Carolina, community for at least five years.
- Indirect administrative overhead costs must not exceed 25% of the grant and at least 75% of the grant funds must be used directly to further the goal or the project.
- Funding must not exceed 33% of organizational budget. For programs housed within institutions of higher education, funding must not exceed 33% of the program budget.
Preference is given to programs or projects that:
- Prioritize the needs of underrepresented and under-resourced community members, including but not limited to people of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities (including developmental, behavioral and mental health disabilities), and people living under the federal poverty level.
- Approach the issues of closing K-12 learning gaps, supporting student mental and emotional health, and/or creating successful pathways to college and careers with strategies for long-lasting, sustainable change.
- Are led by teams representative of the community members served.
- Include plans to measure and share impact and learning.
- Offer the opportunity for Kontoor Brands employee involvement.
- Offer resources/support in external communications about partnering with the Kontoor Brands Foundation.
The Kontoor Brands Foundation does not consider funding for the following activities:
- 501(c)(4) organizations
- Annual appeals
- Candidates for political office
- Capital requests or campaigns
- Endowments
- Fundraising activities/events (golf tournaments, road races, etc.)
- Individuals
- Operating deficits
- Payment on bank loans
- Political Action Committees (PACs) or other partisan political organizations
- Political, labor, civic or fraternal organizations (fire departments, police departments, etc.)
- Private Foundations or Trusts
- Private schools and prep K-12 schools
- Public school districts and their individual schools
- Religious activities and organizations, unless supporting non-sectarian broad-based community issues
- Scholarship programs
- Team sponsorships
- Trips and tours